الأحد، 16 فبراير 2020

7 Best Ways To Reduce Fear And Anxiety

What is Fear?
Fear is one of the most powerful (negative) emotions which have a very strong effect on your body.
Fear can immediately create strong signals of response like flight or fight, in case of emergencies.
It also happens when we are faced with non-dangerous events like exams, public speaking or a job interview.
Some people become so overwhelmed by fear that they want to avoid situations that make them frightened or nervous. Although it’s a bit hard to break this cycle but still possible and there are lots of ways to do it. Some of them will be discussed here, so let’s begin.


1: Face your fear if you can
 Avoiding situations that scars you are not going to help. The way to reduce your fear is by facing it. Because once you will face it you will get to know that it’s not that much scary that YOU THOUGHT. Fear problems tend to reduce when you get into this pattern. Exposing yourself to your fears can be an effective way to reduce your fears.

2: Exercise
Do regular exercise on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes. Exercise is the best way to calm your mind and relax.

3: Relax
Relaxation techniques can help you with mental and physical feelings of fear. There are numerous relaxation ways like yoga, deep breathing, or imagining yourself at a pleasant place, etc that can calm your mind and feel you more relax during times of fear.

4: Healthy eating
Mind and stomach are interconnected and they affect each other very much. Eating unhealthy food can cause your stomach to function poorly and then your mind to become anxious. That’s why try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food. Sugar and caffeine should be avoided as they are dangerous for your anxiety and fear.

5: avoid alcohol
Try to avoid it or at least drink it in moderation.  As alcohol is not good for your anxiety and it can cause you more trouble.

6: Complementary therapies
Therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy can be helpful for your fear management and for that you should consult a psychiatrist.

7: Medication
Drug treatments are used to provide short term help. Drugs may be more useful when they are combined with other treatments or support.
As fear is an emotion of the mind that’s why you should focus on your mind and try to make it calm and healthy all the time.

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