السبت، 4 مارس 2023

Improve your IQ with Yoga; Excercise to Boost Your Memory

   Improve your IQ with Yoga

Your IQ is not your birthmark for the rest of your life. There are several ways to boost your IQ if you decide to do so. All you need to do is be sincere and persistent. The drive to adapt, learn, and succeed gives rise to the concept of expanded intellect.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that frequent yoga practice can improve your IQ and memory. Yoga has been shown in studies to improve not just fitness, health, coordination, response time, and memory, but also IQ.

How can yoga help?

Are you aware that low amounts of oxygen might impair your brain function? Your brain, like all essential organs, requires enough oxygen.

Yogic breathing practices (Pranayama), particularly deep breathing techniques, enhance the brain's oxygen supply. This improves your focus and memory.


Yoga teaches us how to focus by utilizing tried-and-true body-awareness techniques. When we are more concentrated, we are more efficient and have more energy for the work at hand. People who practice Transcendental Meditation demonstrate the ability to solve problems and acquire and recall information better probably because they're less distracted by their thoughts.

Research speaks

According to the Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation in Bangalore, India, comparative research of three distinct Yoga modules on Logical Memory in school children found that uni-nostril breathing boosts spatial memory scores without lateralized effects. As a result, the current study examined the impact of an integrated approach to yoga module (IAYM) on schoolchildren's performance in a logical memory test.


This study looked at the efficacy of IAY on logical memory in schoolchildren who went through a 10-day residential yoga program. The Wechsler memory scale was used to test logical memory, and all three groups improved significantly after their individual therapies. There was no significant difference between the groups in either males or females.

Yoga can help you strengthen your memory, battle forgetfulness, and raise your IQ.


Yoga activities sharpen the brain functions of attention, cognition, sensory information processing, and visual perception. Hatha yoga, which consists of asanas, pranayama, meditation, and Om chanting, increases blood flow to the brain. This helps to relax the mind and improves attention.


Memory power is given a boost, while also improving the ability to maintain focus and concentration.


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