الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2018

5 Methods to Deal With Anxiety, nd Your Anxiety, Kill Your Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
anxiety is 100% curable with some constant measures. like...

1. Take a deep breath 
when you are under a panic attack, take a deep breath counting to 4, then stop your breath counting to 4, and then slowly exhale counting to 4. 

2. accept you are anxious
in spite of worrying and thinking negatively, just keep in mind that its a panic attack and you are nervous. don't think too negatively.

3. Realize that your brain is playing with you
a kind of chemical reaction takes place in your mind when you are under a panic attack which makes the situation worse for you by injecting negative destructive thoughts in your brain. So it's better to be aware of this and always realize that it's your brain that is just playing with you.

4. Use a calm visualization
this will help you to sleep better and quickly. In anxiety and depression, sleeping becomes a little hard. Sometimes it takes hours to sleep. So try to think about your favorite places and pleasant memories. Visualization of a clear sky and lying in a boat in the middle of an Ocean helps to calm down your nerves and you are able to sleep well.

5. Use positive self-talking
Always tell yourself that everything will gonna be fine, its just a temporary phase and you can handle it.
Do regular exercise, take care of your diet and think positively. always remember that anxiety comes quickly and goes slowly, so be persistent.


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