Tuesday 1 June 2021

Stylistic analysis (Foregrounding) of E.E. Cummings “In the Rain”


Stylistic analysis (Foregrounding) of E.E. Cummings “In the Rain”


This work aims at studying the distinctive style of E.E Cummings poetry in his poem “In The Rain”. The stylistic study of a poet’s work helps to indentify and trace a his inclination and style of work. In this research, linguistic aspects of the poem are discussed with the technique of foregrounding. The poem is fore grounded in respect to deviations and parallelisms. The poem is also fore grounded on graph logical, syntactical, grammatical, lexical, phonological and semantic levels. These levels are very helpful in finding out the love theme of the poem and are being discussed here in this piece of research.



Stylistics is the study of style in texts. The way a text is being written and organized is being discussed in the waste field of stylistic. Stylistics is a branch of applied linguistics and it focuses on the figures, tropes, and other rhetorical devices used to provide variety and distinctness to someone’s writing.

As Leech puts it, “style is the way in which something is spoken, written or performed‖”. Style is the usage of words choices and the way a writer uses them in order to achieve a certain aim and goal through his or her writing. Style is being defined as the selection of words from a huge linguistic vocabulary. Style covers spoken and written, literary and nonliterary kinds of language but it is specifically concerned with the literary texts. So it is the way that a writer uses to deliver his message.


Principles of Stylistics 

 There are certain rules and principles almost in every discipline that are being used to define the areas of that particular discipline.  In stylistics too there is a yardstick to evaluate the linguistic features of a literary text. There are mainly three principles for the stylistic analysis of a text. 

1)      Foregrounding 2)      Norms 3)      Deviations

  Foregrounding is the antonym of back grounding. In back grounding technique, we explore and identify those features of the txt that are hidden and unidentified. This technique is very much closer to Critical Discourse Analysis. In contrast to that, Foregrounding is the study of the apparent and vivid features of the text. By this technique, we tend to identify the underlined and highlighted features of a text. In Halliday’s language, it is called ‘Prominence’. This is further consisted of two techniques: Parallel Foregrounding and Deviational Foregrounding. 

Parallelism is the analysis of revised alike patterns in a text. Deviation is the violation of evident design of the text.









The poem ‘In the rain’ is written by Edward Estlin Cummings, famously known as E.E. Cummings, was an American poet who is well known for his unique poetic style. His writing style is very much unconventional and different than other writer’s, especially in poetry. For example, he used the lowercase letters in his name to make it distinguished from others.   

Deviations play a crucial part in the theme of a poem, and Cummings’ poetry is full of them. For example His capitalization is not a something very traditional. He never used it in the start of sentence and when he used it, it gives extra meanings to the poem.

Furthermore, he never capitalized “I” that falls under the category of grammatical deviation but, it also demonstrates that one’s ‘self’ is not always very important. He proclaims the notion to his readers that one should escape his self’ and think about the others too. He did not use punctuation marks in their conventional way. But they are used very unconventionally in his poems. He never uses sentence markers and that is also a deviation of generally accepted norms of English language.   


The poem is being analyzed using the technique of foregrounding.

The features of the poem “In the Rain” by E.E Cummings are being traced on these six levels of Stylistic Analysis:

1)  Graphological level.  2) Grammatical level.        3)  Syntactic level.        4)  Lexical level.           5) Phonological level.         6) Semantic level.

1) Graphological Level 

“It refers to the whole writing system: punctuation and paragraphing as well as spacing”. Graphological levels play a major role in the analysis of the text. They carry “pragmatic force” as an important factor in a text. Graphology is very important in understanding of a text.

The poem is divided into six stanzas in which four stanzas of the poem consist of four lines and one is of two lines. The patterns of lines are very fiddly. The length of all the lines is not the same and is different. There is an awkward spacing in the poem. Punctuations are used to divide sentences or phrases e.g. full stops, commas, semi-colon, colon, exclamation mark, apostrophe, parenthesis and brackets etc. But there is only one full stop in the whole poem. There are two commas in the whole poem; also, the title of the poem is in lower case which is a deviation.

There is no capitalization in the beginning of the sentence, not even one capital word is there in the whole poem. The paragraph spacing is very much awkward. “I” the personal pronoun is used twice in the poem and it is used in lower case which is also a deviation.

Grammatical Level 

There is no capitalization in the beginning of the sentences of the poem. The sentences aren’t ending with a full stop and there is no sentence marker being used. Only one full stop is observed in the whole poem. No punctuation is there except two commas that are used in the whole poem. The personal pronoun “I” is being used in lower cases throughout the poem. 

The line patterns are not in accordance to the language norms, they are rather unusual. Line spacing is very awkward. Paragraph spacing also violates language norms and is used very awkwardly. The whole sentence structure is some kind of deviation forms the normal rules and norms of the grammar.

Lexical level:

The theme of the poem is being fore grounded by the use of vocabulary.  For example there are love epithets that represent the love theme of the poem:

                                                                         “Think of you”, “the holy

                                                                      city which is your face”,

                                                                          “your eyes half-  


                                                                  half-angel and your drowsy           

                                                               lips where float flowers of kiss”



Phonological Level:

Phonological level deals with the pattern of sound used in a text. Lets discuss the poem on phonological for grounding level

Rhyme Scheme: the rhyme scheme of the poem is absent.  Consonance is found in the poem. For example in stanza one, “sunset” and “sit” are consonance sounds. In stanza two, “streets” and “smiles” are consonance sounds. Similarly, in the last stanza,  “Song”, “soul,” “single” and “Star” are all the consonance sounds. Example of Repetition is also found in the poem. There is a repetition of the line, “think of you” in the poem.  

 Alliteration: There are various examples of alliteration. For example: ‘Float flowers’, ‘single star’ ‘song soul’.

Semantic Level 

This poem is fore grounded on the level of semantic because it has many semantic parallelisms and deviations. There are various examples of metaphor “In the Rain”:

                                                                                 “the holy

                                                                   city which is your face”

         these lines are also the example of metaphor.

                                                              Your little cheeks the streets”

                                                                              Of smiles

        Another example of metaphor is in third stanza:

                                                            “your eyes half-

                                                           Thrush half angel”

 Metaphors of ‘city’ and ‘street’ are not usually used in poetry to relate the ‘beauty of mistress’. But Cummings does this and giving a very unique touch to his poems. Thrush is a singing bird he puts the word ‘half’ with it and makes a new word which is used as a metaphor to relate the beauty of her beloved’s eye. Similarly, ‘half- angel’ is used to describe the beauty of her lips. The beloved’s hair is related with the metaphor of ‘pirouette’ which is also very unusual because ‘pirouette’ is a part of dance.


 Hyperbole is used by E.E Cummings to overstate the beauty of his beloved. He calls the eyes of her mistress as ‘half-angel and half thrush’.


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